API Reference¶
- class mock_vws.MockVWS(*, base_vws_url: str = 'https://vws.vuforia.com', base_vwq_url: str = 'https://cloudreco.vuforia.com', duplicate_match_checker: ~mock_vws.image_matchers.ImageMatcher = <mock_vws.image_matchers.StructuralSimilarityMatcher object>, query_match_checker: ~mock_vws.image_matchers.ImageMatcher = <mock_vws.image_matchers.StructuralSimilarityMatcher object>, processing_time_seconds: float = 2.0, target_tracking_rater: ~mock_vws.target_raters.TargetTrackingRater = <mock_vws.target_raters.BrisqueTargetTrackingRater object>, real_http: bool = False)¶
Route requests to Vuforia’s Web Service APIs to fakes of those APIs.
Route requests to Vuforia’s Web Service APIs to fakes of those APIs.
- Parameters:
real_http¶ – Whether or not to forward requests to the real server if they are not handled by the mock. See https://requests-mock.readthedocs.io/en/latest/mocker.html#real-http-requests.
processing_time_seconds¶ – The number of seconds to process each image for. In the real Vuforia Web Services, this is not deterministic.
base_vwq_url¶ – The base URL for the VWQ API.
base_vws_url¶ – The base URL for the VWS API.
query_match_checker¶ – A callable which takes two image values and returns whether they will match in a query request.
duplicate_match_checker¶ – A callable which takes two image values and returns whether they are duplicates.
target_tracking_rater¶ – A callable for rating targets for tracking.
- Raises:
MissingSchemeError – There is no scheme in a given URL.
- add_database(database: VuforiaDatabase) None ¶
Add a cloud database.
- Parameters:
database¶ – The database to add.
- Raises:
ValueError – One of the given database keys matches a key for an existing database.
- class mock_vws.MissingSchemeError(url: str)¶
Raised when a URL is missing a schema.
- Parameters:
url¶ – The URL which is missing a scheme.
- class mock_vws.database.VuforiaDatabase(database_name: str = <factory>, server_access_key: str = <factory>, server_secret_key: str = <factory>, client_access_key: str = <factory>, client_secret_key: str = <factory>, targets: set[~mock_vws.target.Target] = <factory>, state: ~mock_vws.states.States = States.WORKING, request_quota: int = 100000, reco_threshold: int = 1000, current_month_recos: int = 0, previous_month_recos: int = 0, total_recos: int = 0, target_quota: int = 1000)¶
Credentials for VWS APIs.
- Parameters:
database_name¶ – The name of a VWS target manager database name. Defaults to a random string.
server_access_key¶ – A VWS server access key. Defaults to a random string.
server_secret_key¶ – A VWS server secret key. Defaults to a random string.
client_access_key¶ – A VWS client access key. Defaults to a random string.
client_secret_key¶ – A VWS client secret key. Defaults to a random string.
state¶ – The state of the database.
- enum mock_vws.states.States(value)¶
Constants representing various web service states.
- Member Type:
Valid values are as follows:
- WORKING = <States.WORKING: 'working'>¶
- PROJECT_INACTIVE = <States.PROJECT_INACTIVE: 'project_inactive'>¶
- class mock_vws.target.Target(active_flag: bool, application_metadata: str | None, image_value: bytes, name: str, processing_time_seconds: float, width: float, target_tracking_rater: ~mock_vws.target_raters.TargetTrackingRater, current_month_recos: int = 0, delete_date: ~datetime.datetime | None = None, last_modified_date: ~datetime.datetime = <factory>, previous_month_recos: int = 0, reco_rating: str = '', target_id: str = <factory>, total_recos: int = 0, upload_date: ~datetime.datetime = <factory>)¶
A Vuforia Target as managed in https://developer.vuforia.com/target-manager.
Image matchers¶
- protocol mock_vws.image_matchers.ImageMatcher¶
Protocol for a matcher for query and duplicate requests.
This protocol is runtime checkable.
Classes that implement this protocol must have the following methods / attributes:
- class mock_vws.image_matchers.ExactMatcher¶
A matcher which returns whether two images are exactly equal.
- class mock_vws.image_matchers.StructuralSimilarityMatcher¶
A matcher which returns whether two images are similar using SSIM.
Target raters¶
- protocol mock_vws.target_raters.TargetTrackingRater¶
Protocol for a rater of target quality.
This protocol is runtime checkable.
Classes that implement this protocol must have the following methods / attributes:
- class mock_vws.target_raters.RandomTargetTrackingRater¶
A rater which returns a random number.
- class mock_vws.target_raters.HardcodedTargetTrackingRater(rating: int)¶
A rater which returns a hardcoded number.
- Parameters:
rating¶ – The rating to return.
- class mock_vws.target_raters.BrisqueTargetTrackingRater¶
A rater which returns a rating based on a BRISQUE score.